はるかなるドーバー 1990

Drama War

A very proper Englishman becomes saddled with youngsters that he has to help escape Nazi Germany in this adaptation of the novel by Nevil Shute.

Tutti i titoli
  • UK: Crossing to Freedom Crossing to Freedom
  • FI: Kävellen halki Euroopan Kävellen halki Euroopan
  • FR: En route, les enfants! En route, les enfants!
  • FR: Au loin la liberté Au loin la liberté
  • ES: La pequeña evasión La pequeña evasión
  • UA: The Pied Piper The Pied Piper
  • DE: Red Piper - Der Rattenfänger Red Piper - Der Rattenfänger
Data di rilascio 08 Apr 1990
Link IMDb
