Taketori monogatari 1987

Adventure Drama Fantasy History Sci-Fi

Based on a centuries-old traditional Japanese fairy tale, a country couple finds a baby girl in some bamboo and raises her as their own daughter. Not the same as the original tale, though, ...

Tutti i titoli
  • Princess from the Moon
  • The Tale of Taketori
  • AU: Princess from the Moon Princess from the Moon
  • CA: Princess from the Moon Princess from the Moon
  • GR: I prigipissa tou feggariou I prigipissa tou feggariou
  • NZ: Princess from the Moon Princess from the Moon
  • PL: Ksiezycowa ksiezniczka Ksiezycowa ksiezniczka
  • ZA: Princess from the Moon Princess from the Moon
  • ES: La princesa de la luna La princesa de la luna
  • UA: Princess from the Moon Princess from the Moon
  • US: Princess from the Moon Princess from the Moon
  • : Kaguya Kaguya
Data di rilascio 14 Sep 1987
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