僕の、世界の中心は、君だ。 2005

Romance Romance

Beautiful student Su-Eun prevents her fellow student Su-Ho to drown in the ocean. Su-Ho however, does not know who saved him, until Su-Eun tells him after a while. The love between them starts to grow, seemingly infinite. But then...

Tutti i titoli
  • KR: Parang-juuibo Parang-juuibo
  • BR: Minha Garota e Eu Minha Garota e Eu
  • CA: My Girl and I My Girl and I
  • RU: Моя девушка и я Моя девушка и я
  • KR: Parang-juuibo Parang-juuibo
  • VN: Cô Nàng Đáng Yêu Cô Nàng Đáng Yêu
  • KR: My Girl and I My Girl and I
Data di rilascio 22 Dec 2005
Link IMDb
